Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Tips Caring for CD / DVD Room

Weak Optical DVD, This answer is Caring Tips CD / DVD Room
  •  Drive Computer

  • Laptop Drive

         Nowadays almost all homes have computers and even almost all students have a laptop that mostly used for typing, Internet, and Watching Movies. But most sebih happy to wear than maintenance, whereas maintenance of electronic devices is very important, in addition can also extend the life of electronic devices to prevent things that are not in want.

How would happen if one of the computer or laptop is broken? Well certainly no one wants it ..?Moreover, if the computer or laptop is too often used to watch movies from a CD or DVD tapes, over time the Optics of the drive (CD or DVD ROM) will be weak and no longer able to read orwrite data to CD or DVD tapes. It would be fatal if the optical drive is broken, can not reinstall the system or OS, I can watch movies, copy data etc.. Utility loads the DVD or CD ROM. Therefore, Here are some tips for caring for optical drives such as on a laptop or computer:

1. Do not get used to using the drive for too long like watch movies, play music, read continuous data and install applications or software directly from the drive, because of the optics will cause the drive to be weak.(You should copy the data into haddisk first before watching the movie, play music, read the data and install applications or software)

2. Do not insert cassette CD or DVD that the data is dirty, because the droppings will stuck on optical surfaces.(If using a CD or DVD should be used to clean a dirty CD or DVD using a cleaner and a soft cloth)3. Do not leave the cassette CD or DVD in the drive, because the optics of the drive will continue to read the tapes, although actually we do not use the tape, then the problem will be like in number 1.

(Do not forget to remove the cassette from the drive after the use)4. Try not meroko near the drive or the drive does not smoke Roko, Roko smoke because sediment can cover the surface of the optic so that the optic will be difficult to read the data.(If Buddy gaptek meroko, and will include a CD or DVD tapes try no smoke Roko)5. Make sure the burn speed is set by default to the size (CD = 16-24x) (DVD = 8-16x) with the intensity of the optical rest 5-10 minutes per burn.(Do not imposed on the number of CD or DVD burning continuously)6. 

Make sure Buddy gaptek copy image data (*. iso) if to copy or backup data so that at any time without having to live double-click to write back the results awaiting rendering / encode to a CD or DVD.7. Do not touch the optics by hand, use a soft cleaning cloth and soft like cleaning glasses.(If you want to clean the optics do not carelessly use objects at will, but wear a soft cloth or lens cleaning cassette optical drive)

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